Wastewater Treatment & Sewer Services

Wastewater Treatment Plant Advisory Committee 
Expressions of Interest now open!
Anyone interested in serving on the Advisory Committee is encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) by 4:30pm Thursday, February 27th, 2025. EOIs will be reviewed by the consultant team (Urban Systems) to ensure a fair and unbiased review process.
Expression of Interest document

Ideally, the Advisory Committee will include a diverse mix of people with a broad range of interests. Community residents and local business owners will include:
 • Residents living in different parts of the community;
 • People of various ages, genders, demographic and socio-economic backgrounds;
 • Folks with varying perspectives on social, economic and environmental issues;
 • A balance between technical and non-technical interests and knowledge; and
 • People with the will and ability to participate in a multi-year process.

There are 7 project phases and the Advisory Committee will serve from Stage 2: Site and treatment process assessments to the end of Stage 4: Recommendations report – Selection of Site and Process. This is estimated to be a 2-year committment. 

Project Stages

1. Guiding principles and road map establishment January 2025
2. Site and treatment process assessments 6 to 18-months
3. Value analysis 4 months
4. Recommendations report – Selection of Site and Process 2 months
5. Pre-Design 6-12 months
6. Detailed design and procurement 6-12 months
7. Construction 18-24 months

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Advisory Committee was approved by Council on Monday, February 3, 2025.
Read the Wastewater Treatment Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Please note participation on the Advisory Committee is voluntary. No remuneration will be provided to Advisory Committee members.

Submissions should be sent to:
Carolyn Beaumont, Deputy Corporate Office
Box 580, 903A Oceanview Drive, Daajing Giids, V0T 1S0
or dropped off via the Office drop-box.

Wastewater Steering Committee

A Steering Committee will be established to oversee the project management of the wastewater treatment system. The Committee will make recommendations to Council about the project. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to:

·         Drive the project forward;

·         Allocate resources and set priorities;

·         Ensure the Village’s strategic goals are met, and resources are allocated effectively;

·         Manage risk and resolve issues; and

·         Be accountable for the success of the project. 

Read the Wastewater Steering Committee Terms of Reference

Daajing Giids Wastewater Treatment Project

From Flush to Finish: Managing Wastewater Together

We are one of the last remaining communities to pump raw sewage into the ocean. Every drop of wastewater that makes its way into our pipes must be treated – this is a requirement of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment. Government regulations aside, our raw sewage is harming the places that make our community special - our shorelines, our beaches and our ocean. It can have effects on shellfish, fish and other ocean creatures that are important parts of our economy, our culture and our heritage. Almost half a million litres of raw sewage is discharged into Bearskin Bay every day. Together, we can protect our natural environment and public health by collecting and treating our wastewater responsibly. We all contribute to our raw sewage problem every time we flush. Let’s manage our wastewater together to protect our health and the waters we love.


Beyond the Flush: How We’re Keeping Our Water Clean

This Project Roadmap shows how the project will happen, what the timeline will be, and when big decisions will need to be made. This information was presented to Council on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Please Click Here for Daajing Giids Wastewater Treatment Plan Project Roadmap: https://daajinggiids.civicweb.net/document/27115  


Have a Question?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tab on this page, or send your question to office@daajinggiids.ca. The Village will work with Urban Systems to answer all your questions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be regularly updated and posted to the project webpage. 

  • The Village of Daajing Giids is getting a new wastewater treatment plant.
  •  The new plant will be the largest project in our community for years to come – it’s a big deal!
  •  We are one of the last remaining communities to pump raw sewage into the ocean. This project is an exciting opportunity to better protect our environment and island home.
  •  The new plant will help keep the environment healthy and support our community.

  •        Every drop of wastewater that goes through our pipes to the ocean must be treated – this is a requirement of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment.
  •      Almost half a million litres of raw sewage is discharged into Bearskin Bay every day.
  •       Raw sewage can harm the places that make our community special - our shorelines, our beaches and our ocean. It can have effects on shellfish, fish and other ocean creatures that are important parts of our economy, our culture and our heritage.
  •       The new plant will ensure wastewater is treated before it makes it into the ocean, meaning less harm to our environment, and safer water for us all to enjoy. 

  ·         There are a lot of places where the new wastewater treatment plant could go.

  ·         It is too early to say where the wastewater treatment plant will go. The site and treatment selection process will take at least six months (maybe 18 months) to complete.

  ·         There are also a lot of things the project team needs to think about when deciding the best place - things like site size, road access, environmental and soil conditions and more.

  ·         A lot of people and organizations are interested in the wastewater treatment plant project. The project team will consider these interests as well as their technical work when choosing a location for the new wastewater treatment plant. 

  ·       The Province has made a $20 million investment in our community. Daajing Giids received government grants to cover the cost of planning and building a new wastewater treatment plant which is a good start for us. This funding includes $1.3 million from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Fund.

  ·       Efforts will be made to find a solution that is affordable for the community based on the grant funding available.

  ·       Once built, the cost of running the wastewater treatment plant will be our responsibility. 

  ·       We all benefit from treating our raw sewage and will share the cost of maintaining our new system through user fees.

  ·       It is too early to say what the user fees may be. The cost of running and maintaining the plant will depend on the site and treatment process selected.

  ·       This community investment is essential for our long-term health and well-being. 

  ·         Once built, the cost of running the wastewater treatment plant will be our responsibility.

  ·         We all benefit from treating our raw sewage and will share the cost of maintaining our new system through user fees.

  ·         The new wastewater treatment plant is an exciting opportunity to better protect our environment and island home. This project will make our ocean cleaner, our beaches safer and our environment healthier.

  ·         This project will allow us to plan better for our future and manage growth and development wisely.

  ·         This will be a big construction project that could take more than a year to complete once started. 

  ·       Check the Village webpage and look for newsletters in your mail. The Village will keep you updated on the project as it progresses.

  ·      If you have any questions, you can send them to office@daajinggiids.ca and the Village will do their best to answer. This FAQ page will also be updated regularly.

  ·      Wastewater Treatment is also a standing item at Council meetings (item 17.1). Meetings are open to the public, so you can attend in person or via Zoom. Check www.daajinggiids.ca/council-meetings for details. 

Want to Learn More?

Check this webpage regularly and look for newsletters in your mail. The Village will keep you updated on the project.

Wastewater Treatment is also a standing item on Council meeting agendas (item 17.1). Meetings are open to the public, so you can attend in person or via Zoom. Check www.daajinggiids.ca/council-meetings for details. The Village will keep you updated on the project.

Wastewater Treatment Meetings and Presentations