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The Village of Daajing Giids holds a number of meetings that serve different purposes for the municipality. Below is a list of all recent meetings that you can review. Click on the meeting name to review the details of that meeting. Once this page opens you will also be able to review details from other meetings of the same type.
Regular Council meetings are held every two weeks in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office.  They start at 7:00 pm precisely. Requests from delegations should be in at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Public can attend meetings in person or virtually. Video and audio recordings of the last 3 public meetings are kept on file for viewing. 
Special Council Meetings are meetings that are called outside of a regular Council Meeting schedule, usually to make a decision or resolution on a time sensitive topic or piece of legislation. Special Meetings of Council are called for a specific topic, as stated on the meeting notice and no other topics can be discussed. They do not happen often, but are open to the public to attend in person or virtually. They are held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office on the time and date specified in the notice.

Special In Camera
Special In Camera meetings are meetings that called for a specific topic outside of regular scheduled in camera meetings. In Camera meetings are closed to the public under specific sections of the Community Charter. Public can view when the meetings are scheduled, and the reason the meeting is closed, but cannot view an agenda, minutes, or meeting recordings. Decisions and information made by Council in camera will be released on a regular Council Meeting agenda when appropriate.
A Committee of the Whole (often shortened to COW) is a meeting of all or most of Council on a specific topic that requires more discussion than a regular Council Meeting generally allows for. It is open to the public to attend in person or virtually, however the public can only listen/observe. There is no opportunity for the public to address Council. No decisions can be made during a Committee of the Whole. Recommendations can be forwarded to a regular Council Meeting agenda for decision and resolution.